REALMS Magazine
We’re excited to announce our new ongoing publication, REALMS! This new, full sized publication will feature content on games, media, music, and the culture surrounding our favorite things.
What is REALMS?
REALMS is an ongoing, bi-monthly publication with a large variety of article types, interviews, and thought pieces, as well as reviews and previews for the hobby and collectable industry. Unlike many similar publications, REALMS is not entirely solicits and advertisements.
Who makes REALMS?
REALMS is published by Bridge Media LLC, though the thoughts and opinions contained within it are entirely those of the writing staff, who are made up of a diverse group of Bridge employees, volunteers, guest writers, publishers, and industry experts.
Where can I find it?
REALMS is distributed to over 1,000 game and hobby retailers across the United States. Copies will also be included in Bridge Distribution orders to new retailers, and the free PDF will be available to download on several high-volume websites such as, as well as on the newly-launched In addition, in Q3 of 2024 we will be offering small kiosks and special print runs for hobby locations that wish to stock the magazine. REALMS is also distributed at every trade show attended by Bridge and Giga-Mech Games, including Origins, GAMA, SFGE, and more.
How can I advertise in REALMS?
It’s easy! Just fill out this quick form. As your ad may be placed on either the left or right page, please ensure that no important graphics or text exist outside the bleed line. If you would like to have one of our talented graphic artists create the advertisement for you, we are happy to work with or without existing media for a small charge.
Ad content may not include obscene, overly violent, or sexual content, ie, PG-13 is a good basis. We also cannot accept advertising materials that contain images or copyrighted material not owned by yourself.
A good advertisement will show off the product, 1-3 features of the product, and have a strong CTA (call to action). This can be a website, QR code, or other contact channel.